The Woman on the Stairs


I just finished The Woman on the Stairs, written by the author of The Reader. You know, that awesome movie with Kate Winslet? Where she won Best Actress? Yes, that one. Side note, I love how Brad did not stand up at first. Anyway, I read The Reader and remember loving it, but then I went to explain it to my husband and was very fuzzy on the details. So if you haven’t read that, go read it.

My love for The Reader is exclusively why I picked up this book. I would love to say it did not disappoint, but I can’t. It’s not that I didn’t like it, I did! It’s just that it did not have the kind of twist I remember The Reader having and loving. Schlink writes very matter-of-fact and without descriptive language. So there needs to be a twist. I would compare his writing to that of Kent Haruf. Haruf doesn’t typically have a twist either. I’m not sure if the writing feels this way because it’s a translation from German or it that’s just how it is. Overall I liked it, but I felt it needed more of a climax.

Modern Mrs Darcy Reading Challenge 2017 : a book in translation

Popsugar Reading Challenge 2017 : a book by an author from a country you’ve never visited

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Filed under 2017 Reading Challenge, adult, book review, fiction, Reading Challenge

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